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About Ingrid Anderson Sampo
Ingrid Anderson Sampo is a writer of Women's Historical Fiction and of short stories that tickle the funny bone and stretch the imagination.
She has written 13 published short stories, and has published a novella and two historical novels as ebooks and paper books on Amazon.com. She has also completed an additional novel awaiting publication. In addition, her stories have been included in anthologies by the Romancing the Lakes Writers group to which she belongs. Other short stories have been published in the Rockford Review literary magazine and Lakes Alive magazine. She has been a member of the Midwest Fiction Writers, Romancing the Lakes Writers and the Midwest Christian Writers Guild.
After enrolling in creative writing classes, she found her true calling: "Writing is like breathing for me. I truly believe in the Artists Way: That creativity is my gift from God and using that creativity is my gift back to God."
Ingrid is a lifetime resident of Minnesota.