Reflections of Lydia

Note: Lydia of the New Testament Book of Acts was a purple dye worker and trader, and an evangelist sharing the Good News of the gospel of Christ. She is the central character in my upcoming historical novel, Lydia, Seller of Purple.

“My name is Lydia. I have traveled from darkness to light. From Thyatira to Philippi. From sorrow to purpose and hope.

“I thank God for my father who loved me, taught me the purple dye trade and helped me heal from my grief as a widow. He gave me new purpose, sending me to my uncle in Philippi who guided me into its bustling purple dye trade. It was a joy as it mirrored my childhood game—helping my Papa with processing the purple dye from the madder root.

“Little did I know what awaited me in Philippi—healing born of meaningful work, dear friends, a new love, and most surprising, meeting the Christ, the true Lord of the Universe, and sharing his good news with anyone who would listen.”