Why I Write About Strong Women

My mother was a strong woman. A widow at age 40, she was a career high school English teacher, a church deacon and Sunday School superintendent. Most importantly she was both mother and father to me. Throughout my life, she demonstrated courage, a strong faith walk, and an unconditional love and belief in me.

Observing the strength and faith of my mother helped me overcome my own self-doubt. My father died when I was a child and I locked a lot of myself away from then on. It wasn’t until my thirties, thinking more about the strength of my mother, that I was able to finally mourn and my confidence was set free.

Strong women in literature have always intrigued me, especially those in the Bible. One in particular, Priscilla, is the main character in my historical novel A Woman to Reckon With: Priscilla of the Early Church. I could relate to her strength as well how she overcame her own self-doubt, similar to how I overcame mine.

The imaginative portion of my historical novel about Priscilla is loosely based on my own life experience. We both overcame self-doubt, particularly when facing new challenges. She through God’s help and that of her husband and fellow evangelist, Paul.

Strong women in the Bible and early Christianity inspire me to be all I can be and discover how they conquered fear and shared their faith with others. They lived at a time when women were considered to be of far less value than men. Their courage and work in sharing the Good News happened because of Christ and his empowerment of women, not unlike my own experience.

A good portion of my historical novels are based on research of the women’s lives. The remainder, the imaginative, is what could have happened to these women in the place and time that I researched. I have really enjoyed all that I have learned from researching and writing my novels (both published and upcoming). It is my sincere hope that many women will read and enjoy them, and in so doing, be inspired as well.

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